Change Font Size
The site has been designed to enable font size to be increased / decrease easily from within your browser. To increase the font size in major browsers please see below:
- Internet Explorer - select View, then Text Size from the browser's menu bar. Also select Tools, Internet Options, Accessibility, Ignore fonts.
- Internet Explorer 7 & 8 - press 'Ctrl' followed by plus or minus on your keyboard to enlarge the page.
- Netscape - select View, Increase or Decrease Font from the browser's menu bar or press the Control key and the [ key together.
- Opera - press the + or - (minus) key on your number pad
Access Keys
We do not use access keys on our website, read this article to find out why.
All images used on this website include the descriptive "alt" tags.
Most links used on the site include an attribute to provide greater detail, unless the text of the link provides enough detail anyway.
if you have any questions regarding accessibility of our website, please contact us.